The 19th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease (ISVHLD)

MARCH 18-21, 2025 – LOS ANGELES

Plenary 1: Innovations in liver disease therapy: present and future

  • Innovations in direct-acting antiviral therapies
  • Innovations in antiviral immunotherapy
  • Innovations in liver fibrosis and NASH therapy
  • Innovations in hepatocellular carcinoma therapy

Plenary 2: Public health interventions in liver diseases

  • Public health tools to eliminate viral hepatitis
  • Global achievements and failures in viral hepatitis elimination
  • HCV elimination in Egypt: a success story
  • Public health interventions to eliminate NAFLD/NASH

Plenary 3: New vaccine approaches for liver diseases

  • The story and future of RNA vaccines
  • Towards an HCV vaccine
  • The future of therapeutic vaccines for viral infections
  • Implementing global vaccination strategies

Plenary 4: Global Hepatitis Summit 2023 Debrief

  • HCV Debrief
  • HBV/HDV Debrief
  • NAFLD/NASH Debrief
  • HCC Debrief

Basic Parallel 1: HCV/flavivirus virology

  • What did HCV teach us on flavivirus virology
  • HCV entry: lessons learnt for other viruses

Basic Parallel 2: HCV immunology

  • Innate immune responses against HCV
  • Adaptive immune responses against HCV

Basic Parallel 3: HBV/HDV virology

  • Update on HBV virology
  • Update on HDV virology

Basic Parallel 4: HBV/HDV immunology

  • Immunological phenotyping of HBV infections
  • Liver compartmentalization of anti-HBV immune responses

Basic Parallel 5: HBV/HDV treatment targets

  • Targeting HBV capsids for therapy
  • Targeting HBV RNAs for therapy

Basic Parallel 6: NASH targets for new therapies

  • Molecular targets for NASH therapy
  • Preclinical assessment of NASH compounds

Basic Parallel 7: HCC targets for new therapies

  • Molecular targets for HCC therapy
  • Immunological targets for HCC therapy

Basic Parallel 8: HEV virology and persistence

  • Update on HEV virology
  • Mechanisms of HEV persistance in immunodepressed patients

Basic Parallel 9: Liver inflammation and fibrogenesis

  • Mechanisms of NAFLD/NASH-associated liver inflammation
  • Mechanisms of liver fibrogenesis

Clinical Parallel 1: Applications of artificial intelligence in liver disease management

  • Artificial intelligence for liver cancer management
  • Artificial intelligence for liver fibrosis management

Clinical Parallel 2: Difficult-to-treat HCV patients

  • Unusual HCV genotypes/subtypes
  • Difficult-to-cure HCV liver diseases

Clinical Parallel 3: New strategies with approved HBV treatments

  • Stoppings NUC strategies
  • Interferon add-on/switch strategies

Clinical Parallel 4: New HBV drug clinical developments

  • Direct-acting antiviral HBV drugs in development
  • Anti-HBV immunotherapies and combination perspectives

Clinical Parallel 5: New HDV therapies

  • Bulevirtide in HDV therapy
  • New treatments in HDV (except bulevirtide)

Clinical Parallel 6: Long-term outcomes of treated patients with viral hepatitis

  • Long-term outcomes of treated HBV patients
  • Long-term outcomes of cured HCV patients

Clinical Parallel 7: NAFLD/NASH therapeutic developments

  • Endpoints in NAFLD/NASH therapeutic developements
  • New treatment approaches for NAFLD/NASH

Clinical Parallel 8: Impacts of COVID-19 on liver disease management

  • Negative impacts of COVID-19 on liver disease management
  • Positive impacts of COVID-19 on liver disease management

Clinical Parallel 9: Hepatocellular carcinoma new drug clinical trials

  • HCC new drug clinical trials in Europe and North America
  • HCC new drug clinical trials in Asia

Clinical Parallel 10: Viral hepatitis and liver transplantation in 2023

  • HCV and liver transplantation: 2023 update
  • HBV/HDV and liver transplantation: 2023 update

Clinical Parallel 11: New biomarkers for liver diseases

  • New biomarkers for fibrosis assessment
  • New biomarkers for HCC risk prediction

Clinical Parallel 12: New developments in liver pathogen detection and discovery

  • Metagenomics for pathogen diagnosis and discovery
  • Acute severe hepatitis of unknown origin in children

PH Parallel 1: Epidemiology of HCV in resource-limited countries

  • Prevalence of HCV infection in resource-limited countries
  • Dynamics of the HCV epidemic in resource-limited countries

PH Parallel 2: Global epidemiology of HBV/HDV infections

  • Global epidemiology of HBV infection
  • Global epidemiology of HDV infection

PH Parallel 3: Viral hepatitis elimination achievements and challenges

  • Global viral hepatitis elimination achievements
  • Global viral hepatitis elimination challenges

PH Parallel 4: Simplified approaches for screening and diagnosis of viral hepatitis

  • Simplified approaches for HCV screening and diagnosis
  • Simplified approaches for HBV/HDV screening and diagnosis

PH Parallel 5: Reaching vulnerable populations for viral hepatitis elimination

  • Reaching PWID/prison populations for viral hepatitis elimination
  • Reaching migrant populations for viral hepatitis elimination


ANRS/AFEF: The French model

  • The French viral hepatitis program
  • The French HBV cure program

Debate Session 1: Public health

  • Post-COVID relaunch of HCV testing/treatment
  • Improving screening and linkage-to-care in viral hepatitis B and C
  • Public health interventions and awareness in NAFLD/NASH
  • Engaging policy makers and patient advocacy groups in liver disease

Debate Session 2: Clinical

  • Revisiting HBV treatment guidelines: a 2023 update
  • Understanding HBV biomarkers, redifining new treatment endpoints
  • The path forward in NAFLD/NASH therapeutic developments
  • Classification of HCC patients for therapy
Thank you for attending GHS 2025


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