The North American Viral Hepatitis Elimination Summit, a collaboration of the American Association for the Study of the Liver (AASLD)Canadian Association for the Study of the Liver (CASL), and Mexican Association of Hepatology (AMH) will be delivered on Tuesday March 18th, 2025, at the Global Hepatitis Summit in Los Angeles.

March 18th, 2025

10AM to 5PM


  • Bring high level attention to hepatitis elimination in North America
  • Advance knowledge of strategies to reduce health disparities
  • Explore novel programs that how to apply these more broadly across countries in North America
10:00OpeningIntroductions and OverviewCo-Chairs: Jordan Feld (CASL), Norah Terrault (AASLD), Sergio Muñoz (AMH)
  Moderators: Jordan Feld, Norah Terrault / John Ward, Sergio Muñoz 
10:10NAVHES Session #1Taking Stock (profiles in NA): trends, progress towards targets and big scale initiativesModerators: John Ward & Carla Coffin
  Canada – Canada’s STBBI Action Plan 2024-2030Mia Biondi (Canada)
  Mexico – Expansion of HCV management in primary careAlethse de la Rosas Torres (Mexico)
  United States — US HCV elimination in transitionRisha Irvin (USA)
  PANEL DISCUSSION: Includes patient representation (WHA, NVHR)Richard So
11:20NAVHES Session #2Diagnostics with the goal of increasing treatmentModerators: Norah Terrault & Sergio Muñoz
  HDV: reflex testing, status of anti-HDV & RNA testing in NARobert Gish (USA)
  HBV testing – what needs to ∆ in policies & practice (qHBsAg, HBV POCT)Carla Coffin (Canada)
  HCV POCT and barriers to test & treat approachAndrew Aronsohn (USA)
12:25NAVHES Session #3Vaccination – an important cornerstone in PreventionModerators: John Ward & Carla Coffin
  Elimination of HBV Transmission in an HBV Endemic Area in Western Alaska: Global ImplicationsBrian McMahon
  HCV Vaccine trials in NA status reportKim Page (USA)
13:00Lunch Symposium  
14:05NAVHES Session #4Prevention Beyond VaccinationModerators: Jordan Feld & Graciela Castro
  Next Steps in Elimination of MTCT of HBV and HCV in North AmericaMia Biondi (Canada)
  Liver cancer in VH in North America – surveillance challenges and solutionsHashem El Serag (USA)
  PANEL DISCUSSION: Includes session 3 speakers also 
15:10NAVHES Session #5Health equity: Delivering VH care in persons using drugsModerators: Norah Terrault & Sergio Muñoz
  Prevention of HCV among PWID in MexicoFatima Higuera (Mexico)
  PWIDs – novel programs in U.S.Alain Litwin (USA)
  Supervised injection sites and SSPs in CanadaBernadette Lettner (Canada)
  PANEL DISCUSSION: Includes patient representation (WHA)Jessica Hicks
16:15Wrap-up and Next StepsBlueprint/Roadmap strategyModerators: John Ward, Norah Terrault, Jordan Feld & Sergio Muñoz
Official Accommodation Alert!

Book your stay now at preferential rates at The Westin Bonaventure Hotel & Suites, Los Angeles, the official venue for GHS 2025!